Motor vehicle registration is used to establish an official link between a vehicle and its owner. The government or law enforcement might use this link for taxation or crime detection purposes. While most cars can be identified by their vehicle identification number (VIN), only registered vehicles display a vehicle registration plate and carry a registration certificate. In the United States, passenger and commercial vehicles must be recorded as a condition of using the public road. However, registration varies from state to state and prosecuting the violation of this law also differs.
Sometimes people fake vehicle registration when they want to avoid the fee. If you've been accused of falsifying your registration documents or license sticker, make sure you have an experienced Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyer on your side.
Call us about your situation today.
According to Illinois law, a person who commits such an act is guilty of a felony and can earn anywhere from 1 year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500 to 3 to 7 years in jail. The severity of the charge depends on the circumstance. For example, the lightest penalty would be a Class A misdemeanor for violation of the law against using a registration sticker or document not authorized by law for use on a vehicle or allowing a person to use false or illegal documents to fake car registration. The most severe charge, a Class 2 felony, would be a case in which someone knowingly uses any false documents knowing that they have been stolen or altered.
Call Wierenga | Chiapelli Today
If you're facing penalties for faking your vehicle registration, contact our experienced Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyers. Don't pay such a severe price if you don't have to. Our skilled advocates have years of experience fighting for peoples' rights in court. The sooner you work with us, the sooner you can favorably resolve your complications.