Retail Theft Lawyer in Arlington Heights


We Serve Chicago & Surroundings - Call Us At (847) 749-1131

Retail theft is generally committed in the form of shoplifting and is taken very seriously in Illinois. Oftentimes, those arrested of retail theft consider this to be a minor offense that will not present harsh consequences. This is far from the truth. There are many circumstances that can result in felony charges and life-changing penalties. Do not take your retail theft case lightly, act quickly to get skilled defense. You need us on your side to help you fight your charges.

5 Reasons To Choose an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

Five reasons that you need to call Wierenga | Chiapelli for your case:

  • You can have the experience of a former prosecutor on your side.
  • Your initial consultation with us is completely free.
  • We're available to you to answer questions and discuss your case 24/7.
  • We offer you affordable payment plan options.
  • You need a skilled, client dedicated trial attorney to represent you.

Retail Theft Q&A

What is Retail Theft?

  • The offense is committed when a person takes something from a store, or retail establishment, without paying the adequate amount for the item or product.

How is Retail Theft Committed?

  1. Taking an item out of the store without paying for it.
  2. Altering bar codes to cause the scanner to show a lower price.
  3. Changing packaging or price tags of an item to pay a lesser amount.
  4. Not returning an item after a lease expires.
  5. Altering security alarms.
  6. Exiting through an emergency door to avoid security alarms.
  7. Returning items that you are not the owner of.

What Should I Do If I Am Arrested For Retail Theft?

  • It is imperative that you seek counsel from a criminal defense attorney in Arlington Heights. With help defending the charges, you may be able to avoid the penalties and effects that a conviction can have. We can review the evidence involved and develop a strong defense to reach the best possible outcome.

What Penalties Are At Stake?

The penalties will vary from case to case depending on the value of the property as well as the details of the offense.

  • If the item has a value of $300 or less, the offense is generally charged as a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by:
    • Up to 1 year in jail
    • Up to $2,500 in fines
  • If the item is valued more than $300, the theft offense is generally charged as a Class 3 Felony, punishable by:
    • Between 2 and 5 years in prison
    • A fine of up to $25,000

To discuss your unique case and the potential penalties, call us and set up your free consultation. We can help you avoid the consequences at stake and fight against conviction.

Wierenga | Chiapelli Provides the Defense You Need

Facing charges for retail theft? Regardless of the minor details and intricacies of your case, we are ready to take on your case. We offer aggressive defense and personalized resolutions for each of our clients. With experience as a trial attorney and former prosecutor, Attorney Ahmad has the knowledge and practice that can benefit your case and your defense. We are client focused and available to our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your initial consultation with our Arlington Heights firm is completely free.

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At [LAW FIRM NAME], [I/WE] focus on [PRACTICE AREA(S)] and [I/WE] [AM/ARE] here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.
