3 Things You Should Never Do When Arrested

Posted by Tja Chiapelli | Feb 10, 2020 | 0 Comments

We see it all the time. When faced with an arrest, most people panic. They forget how to act around police, and they trick themselves into thinking that if they can find the right words, they'll get away without charges. That's never the case.

To help people avoid damaging their defense case, we've put together this list of three things you should never do when arrested.

Resist Arrest

Even if you are completely innocent, you should not resist arrest. If the police are intent on arresting you, your arguments will not stop them. Police enforce the law; they do not field legal arguments.

Anyone facing arrest should calmly follow the police officer's instructions and follow their instructions. Failing to do so could result in charges of resisting arrest, on top of the other charges, providing another barrier between you and your freedom.

Talk to Police

Once arrested, avoid talking to the police unless absolutely necessary. Generally, you have to tell the police your name, but that is all.

If the police put you in an interrogation room, do not answer their questions. Anything you say will be used to build a case against you. The more you talk, the more difficult it is for your attorney to defend you. Again, the police enforce the law. They do not field legal arguments. Nothing you say to them will get you out of the arrest, but it can make your court date much more difficult.

Rely on a Public Defender

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Unfortunately, the vast majority of public defenders in the US are overburdened with far more cases than they can handle. They don't have time to provide the individual care needed to evaluate a case and fight for justice.

Instead, anyone facing charges should consult an experienced criminal defense attorney familiar with the local court. It could be the difference between freedom and punishment.

If you're facing criminal charges, you should consult an attorney. If you'd like an experienced Arlington Height's criminal defense attorney from Wierenga | Chiapelli to evaluate your case, please send us an email or call (847) 749-1131.

About the Author

Tja Chiapelli



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