DUI with Cannabis, How Much Is Legal?

Posted by Tja Chiapelli | Jun 20, 2018 | 0 Comments

DUI laws in Illinois changed when the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act was initiated in 2014. Under the current law, it is legal to be prescribed cannabis for medical conditions including cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal and brain injuries, and more. Registered users are granted registration cards that offer immunity against state and local laws that typically prohibit the use of cannabis.

What Does This Mean for Drivers?

In Illinois, it is illegal for a driver to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A registered user is still required to submit to field sobriety tests if an officer has reason to suspect they were driving under the influence. Even if you're a registered user, you are not protected against receiving a DUI charge if you are deemed impaired. If you are a registered user and fail your field sobriety test, you may receive a 6-month suspension of your license. If you refuse the field sobriety test, you will receive a 12-month license disqualification.  For those not registered for medical marijuana use, you are still liable for prosecution as a motorist if an officer believes you are unfit to operate a vehicle safely. 

Illinois law prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle if you display:

  • 5ng per milliliter of delta-9 THC in your bloodstream
  • 10ng per milliliter delta-9 THC in any other bodily substance

We Can Help You

Don't let intimidation lead you to pleading guilty if you receive a DUI. Our experienced DUI attorneys at Wierenga | Chiapelli are available to provide counsel 24/7 and have experience defending clients with DUI charges. Contact Wierenga | Chiapelli today for more information.

If you have been arrested with a DUI charge, contact Wierenga | Chiapelli at (847) 749-1131 to schedule a free consultation.

About the Author

Tja Chiapelli



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